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Calculate and understand tlush sakhar. A few words about the most important thing in payroll

Knowledge is power and money. Here are main items that you can and should check when calculating tlush sakhar:

  • Tax deductions ("nekudot zikuy"). The more nekudot zikuy you have, the less income tax you pay. Additional nekudot zikuy are available for children under 18, new repatriates, etc.

  • Is your employer making contributions to the pension fund correctly? Here's what it should be: 6% is the employee's portion, and 12.5% is the employer's portion.

  • Are days off being accrued to you correctly? They should be accrued in accordance with your length of service.

  • Are sick days being accrued to you correctly? You should accrue 18 days per year.

  • Are you beeing properly paid for sick days? By law, the first day is paid at 0%, the second and third at 50%, and starting from the fourth day — 100%.

  • Are you being paid keren hishtalmut? As a rule, 2.5% is the employee's portion and 7.5% is the employer's portion.

  • Are mas akhnasa, bituah leumi, and mas briyut correctly being withheld from you?

  • Are you being paid correctly? Are overtime hours being calculated correctly? How much is a regular hour (100%) and, accordingly, overtime hours (125% and 150%)?

  • Are you receiving wellness pay (avraa)? It must be paid at least once a year in accordance with your length of service.

  • Were any payments withheld from you without your consent?

  • If your employer gives you certain benefits, say, food stamps, is mas akhnasa being correctly withheld from you for this?

  • If you have a preferential loan from your employer, is mas akhnasa correctly being withheld from you?

  • If you have a second job, is mas akhnasa being withheld from you in accordance with tium mas?

It is also important to know whether your employer is subject to labor agreements. And if so, what benefits are you entitled to?

If you know how to check everything mentioned above, then great! If not, you should take a consultation.

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